Sunday, 3 February 2013

How to Hide Drive Space Indicator Bars in Windows

In the latest windows which are window 7 and window 8 Microsoft introduced new and efficient way of showing drive space remaining in disks, it becomes Red when the space is full to certain length and whenever you open the window it irritates you and alarm you to delete some files from it how ever good space still remain in a particular hard drive. there is way to Hide this drive space indicator from your computer screen.
Follow simple steps below and this will drive space indicator no long will exists in your computer.

 Open Registry editor using start >>Run and write regedit and press enter as shown below
How to Hide Drive Space Indicator Bars in Windows

Go to the following key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>>Software>>Classes>>Drive

On the right Side, right click on Tile Info . Remove the this words System.PercentFull;
You have to change following line


To this

That's it, Here is the final result.

Now Open Windows Explorer, and the drive space indicator disappears. If it exists there simply restart the Windows Explorer.

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